Тотальная роботизация: как роботы изменят нашу жизнь в ближайшем будущем

По оценкам специалистов, в течение предстоящих десяти лет, ожидается массовое внедрение роботов в производство бытовой электроники, компьютеров, автомобильной промышленности и транспортного оборудования. В первую очередь, это вызвано тем, что в главном сборочном цехе планеты — Китае, затраты на оплату труда рабочих растут с каждым годом. Массовое внедрение роботов должно сохранить темпы производства и позволит выполнять больше задач. Но уже сейчас современная кибернетика и робототехника находятся на впечатляющем уровне. Мы отыскали наиболее ярких представителей мира роботов — давайте заглянем в будущее уже сегодня.

Мужчина смотрит на робота-гуманоида HRP-4C MIIM на выставке в Токио.(фото выше)

Человекоподобный робот Киробо «общается» во время телемоста между Международной Космической Станцией и студией в Токио(фото ниже)Humanoid communication robot Kirobo appears on stage during a return debriefing session from the International Space Station to Japan, in Tokyo in this March 27, 2015 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks.  REUTERS/Yuya Shino/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.

Робот Ecce на крупнейшей в мире ярмарке промышленных технологий Hannover Messe в Ганновере, Германия.(фото ниже)A robot Ecce by the Robot studio is pictured at the world's largest industrial technology fair, the Hannover Messe, in Hanover in this April 13, 2015 file photo.  Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.

Робот-официант обслуживает клиентов в кибер-ресторане в Харбине, Китай.(фото ниже)Robots deliver dishes to customers at a Robot Restaurant in Harbin, Heilongjiang province in this January 12, 2013 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Sheng Li/Files  ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.

Двуногий робот-гуманоид «Атлас», разработанный американской компанией «Бостон Динамикс» на презентации для прессы в университете Гонконга.(фото ниже)Bipedal humanoid robot "Atlas", primarily developed by the American robotics company Boston Dynamics, is presented to the media during a news conference at the University of Hong Kong in this October 17, 2013 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks.  REUTERS/Tyrone Siu/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.

Робот-гуманоид по имени Kansei, что на японском означает «чувственный». Его «лицо» на фотографии выражает «счастье». (фото ниже)A humanoid robot named Kansei, meaning "sensibility" in Japanese, makes a facial expression depicting "happiness", next to the word "Love" during a demonstration at a laboratory of Meiji University's Robot and Science Institute in Kawasaki, south of Tokyo in this June 4, 2007 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.

Снимок сделан во время демонстрации возможностей робота в лаборатории Университета Роботов и Науки в Кавасаки, Япония.

Робот-гуманоид британской компании RoboThespian «краснеет» во время церемонии открытия Ганноверской ярмарки технологий Cebit в Германии.(фото ниже)Humanoid robot of British company RoboThespian "blushes" during the opening ceremony of the Hanover technology fair Cebit in this March 9, 2014 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay/Files  ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Последняя версия робота-гуманоида Асимо от компании Хонда поднимается вверх по ступенькам во время демонстрации на выставке в Бельгии.(фото ниже)Honda's latest version of the Asimo humanoid robot walks up stairs during a presentation in Zaventem near Brussels in this July 16, 2014 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks.  REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


Демонстрация возможностей робота LS 3 (Legged Squad Support System — Шагающая Система Поддержки Подразделения), который планируется использовать в военных целях.(фото ниже)An unidentified LS3 team member shoves an LS 3 (Legged Squad Support System) robot that was galloping off course, back on track during a high-speed demonstration in Homestead, Florida in this December 20, 2013 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Andrew Innerarity/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


Оркестр роботов, созданный концерном Toyota во время концерта в Токио.(фото ниже)Toyota Motor Corp's partner robots play instruments at the company's showroom in Tokyo, in this May 4, 2008 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Toru Hanai/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.


Сотня человекоподобных роботов Роби исполняет синхронизированный танец во время промо-акции «100 Роби» в Токио.(фото ниже)A hundred humanoid communication robots called Robi perform a synchronized dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo, in this January 20, 2015 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Yuya Shino/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.


Робот-гуманоид «Нао» от Aldebaran Robotics заряжает батареи во время презентации в Токио.(фото ниже)A "Nao" humanoid robot by Aldebaran Robotics sits in a corner while its batteries are being charged during a presentation at a branch of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (MUFG) in Tokyo in this April 13, 2015 file photo. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Labor costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks. REUTERS/Thomas Peter/Files ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS PART OF THE PACKAGE "RISE OF THE MACHINES". TO FIND ALL 20 IMAGES SEARCH 'TECHNOLOGY ROBOTS'.      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY